
Monday Momentum #15

Starting Where You Are in Content Creation

This 15th edition of Monday Momentum focuses on the importance of starting content creation with your current resources. The host is excited about the 100th issue coming up and offers practical advice for new content creators. Key points include utilizing smartphones for recording, the unnecessary allure of expensive equipment, and leveraging free tools like Google Docs and ChatGPT for idea organization. The host emphasizes the value of consistency over time, organic growth, and refining workflows. Upcoming content highlights include articles for Tuesday and Thursday, as well as Soft Skills Sunday, which are aimed at enhancing creators' business acumen.

00:00 Welcome to Monday Momentum #15
00:04 Reflecting on the Journey
00:49 Today's Topic: Starting Where You Are
00:56 The Essentials of Content Creation
02:52 Investing in the Right Tools
03:36 Leveraging Free Tools and AI
04:44 Organic Growth Strategies
05:08 Consistency and Workflow
05:46 Final Thoughts and Upcoming Content


Maximizing Efficiency: Stop Chasing New Tools and Start Mastering the Ones You Have - https://coachbcolburn.substack.com/p/maximizing-efficiency-stop-chasing

Recommendations - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theteamhustle/files/files

Transcribed by Descript*


[00:00:00] Good morning and welcome back to Monday, momentum number 15. I can't believe it's been a little over 15 weeks since I started this because I did take a break for the holidays, but 15, and we're approaching our hundredth issue here on Substack and I'm excited about it and I'm. Thinking, I'm starting to think about what I want to talk about for issue 100.

It's been a fun, exciting ride creating content to help creators create content. And I hope you're finding value in this. If you are, please subscribe. It helps out a lot, number one. Number two, share this with creators you may know. And help spread the word about Digital Brew. I would greatly appreciate that.

So, today's topic is going to be starting where you are. Most people have a smartphone nowadays, and they can [00:01:00] record great video and decent audio, good audio if you're in an somewhat acoustically sound area. And so many people. Are attracted to the bells and whistles, and I wrote a piece about this. I'll, I'll link in the show notes here, but so, so many people are enamored with things.

Let's take TikTok for example. People pushing these voice changing modulation, mixers for podcasters and you don't need it. You, you truly don't need it. I, I have a list of recommended hardware, software, reading materials. I'll provide links for as well, and the basis of what I present to you as good sound equipment or software.

Number one is usually it can do a couple of things for you. I, I hate spending money on a. [00:02:00] Thing that does one thing to help you create content, if that thing can help you do multiple things. I'm saying things a lot. It's, it's that much more beneficial. So the, the equipment and software I recommend is sound.

If you'd like to know more about my opinions on it, please, you know, shoot me an email or drop me a message and I can talk about why I recommend the things I recommend. But starting where you are, you have this awesome tool. To record audio, to record video, to take pictures for social media content to help generate social media content, to take notes of ideas of something you want to do but utilize what you have at hand and start creating content.

And as you progress through being a content creator and you start to grow a following, then maybe it's time to [00:03:00] invest. In a piece of equipment or software that's gonna help you accomplish something, either better video, better audio, reduce the amount of time it takes to produce or post produce each piece of content.

The time saving aspect is huge in content creation because, you know, let's face it, most people create content as a side hustle, hoping to grow it and earn some extra revenue, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. But don't go drop a couple thousand dollars to help you do that before you have somewhat of a following.

You know, nowadays Google Docs is free. You can write, you can dictate start putting thoughts on paper, flesh them out. You know, one thing I like to do is open word and dictate thoughts. And I dump that into, say, chat GPT and ask it to organize thoughts. Ask it to create a list of those thoughts and a summary of [00:04:00] Ask it to rank those based on SEO or what's being searched on the internet and it can take your thoughts and organize, what you may want to produce so much more fast and effectively than a traditional brainstorming session where you're just taking notes and you're really not flushing anything out. But take a deep breath. Start with the tools, equipment, software you have, and start creating what's on your mind. Start creating what's on your heart and if it's helpful to other people.

It's, it's gonna take traction and it's going to grow even organically. I encourage new creators, don't spend money to boost a post or do paid ads against a project. Start to grow organically and flush the workflow out. Come up with sound strategies for creating this content. Block that [00:05:00] time on your calendar to allow time to create that content and.

Really focus on the workflow. Once your workflow is well-defined, it's easy to rinse and repeat and create content week after week after week. So start where you are and enjoy the process of creating content for others and enjoy putting it out there. And don't be discouraged when it gets five views and nobody's commenting.

Consistency over time while you're perfecting the craft, while you may eventually invest in hardware, software to help you create more efficiently is well worth the journey, especially if you're helping people. So that's where I wanna start with this Monday momentum. You know, creating content, it's, it's kind of a love hate thing, but if you're doing it to to help others. If you're doing it to spread joy [00:06:00] or provide content that's gonna help others create, start where you are and create that content that's on your heart and on your mind. I.

Okay, that's it for today's Monday, momentum number 15. I will see you next week with Monday Momentum 16.

We've got a couple great articles scheduled, one for tomorrow and one for Thursday, and of course, Sunday will be Soft Skills sunday. As a creator, we often forget some of the soft skills and or business acumen that we need to have to grow our channels so that content is being sprinkled throughout. Other content.

Hope you've enjoyed. We'll see you next week.

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